目前分類:song enrich our life (31)

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作詞︰吳青峰 作曲︰吳青峰


kiwi071020 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
我喜歡上你了 你打賭我感覺到了
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
我試圖冷淡這種感覺 但是你的甜美融解了這一切
I fell right through the cracks

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Strange things are happening everyday
I hear the music up above my head
Though the side of my heart has left me again
I hear music up above

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I'm just a normal boy
That sank when I fell overboard
My ship would leave the country
But I'd rather swim ashore

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I know it’s late in your tired
And we’d been talking for hours here
You don’t have to tell me

I see that look in your eyes

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詞 陳凌 / 曲 彭學賦

你的姿態 你的青睞
你以為愛 就是被愛

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If it wasn't the ocean
wasn't the breezes
wasn't the white sand
there might be no need

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作曲:陳綺貞 作詞:曲培芷/孫詩雯

外面人聲沸騰如潮漲 百般無聊好喧鬧

kiwi071020 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

作詞:mika 作曲:mika

Hey, what's the big idea?

Yo Mika.

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作詞:mika 作曲:mika

You talk about life, you talk about death,
And everything in between,
Like it's nothing, and the words are easy.

kiwi071020 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

You're way too beautiful girl
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal
When you say it's over

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